
Panasonic ae700 troubles are gone

YES the Germans finally managed to fix my projector.
It only took 4 months to get it back :) GOD DAMN IT!

"Well was it worth it?" U ask...
Simply put: YES!

I had my fears and doubts but when I opened the box and read the service order, in German of course, I was delighted!
They changed the electronics or repaired them AND replaced the "optical block" witch means NEW LCD panels!!!
Basically the only things not changed were the optics, lamp and the enclosure so you could say its a brand new projector. JIPPII!...I think.
Hoping for the best and fearing the worst I tested my "New" 700 and to my eyes it displayed perfect convergence, or at least very close and A LOT better than the "old one" had!! JIPPII INDEED!!!
The little testing I could do on my own it seemed that the convergence of the 3 lcd panels was indeed perfect while no lens shifting was used.
Using lens sifting resulted in convergence errors but in a very little degree and lowering the projector to be right behind your head and eliminate the need for lense shifing would not be a convenient solution so a compromise must be made BUT this is not an issue since the picture is still a LOT sharper than it was before the repair.

I'm very pleased! Now I can say that I'm truly happy with the projectors picture.
I like it sharp as a razor no "film like" smoothness or any blur of that sort.

I don't have any comparison pictures I'm afraid so you just have to take my word for it.

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